In addition to our online library of informative web pages and FAQ section, our blog is another valuable resource that enables you to learn more about foot and ankle health. We update the blog frequently with posts discussing an array of treatment options, condition symptoms, and preventative care tips. Be sure to come back often and learn how to effectively care for your valuable lower limbs so you can live your life and do the things you want to without pain!
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FOOT NEWS YOU CAN USE: THE FOOT'S VERSION OF CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROMEIf you hear of someone talking about their foot hurting let them know they don’t need to live with the pain. We’d be happy to send you something to share...
Big Toe Joint PainMany people suffer from foot pain not knowing who to turn to. If you hear of someone talking about a foot problem let them know we can help.
Healthy FeetIf you hear of someone talking about their foot hurting or just seem less mobile, let them know we can help them.
It's Time For Your Toenails To Come Out Of Hiding!Are you embarrassed to show your feet due to toenail fungus? That problem will make for a long summer. Learn how Dr. Haro can help you with your toenail fungus.
Finding Relief From Plantar Fasciitis